Wednesday, December 26, 2018

5 interesting facts about non-surgical rhinoplasty

In the past, the only option to change the shape or size of your nose was surgical rhinoplasty. Many people were hesitant to undertake this procedure because of the recovery period, downtime and result permanency. Fortunately, the advancement in cosmetic procedures has to lead to the development of non-surgical nose job procedure.

The non-surgical rhinoplasty or nose job uses dermal fillers to correct the imperfections in nose shape in just 15 minutes with no downtime.

 Here are the five interesting facts about this procedure.

1.      Patients can choose to have temporary or relatively permanent results: the non-surgical nose job procedure can give temporary or relatively permanent results. there are a variety of fillers available which give results with varying durations, for instance, Voluma gives results that last for about 3 months to up to 2 years while Radiesse gives relatively longer-lasting changes.

2.      Treatment should be performed by only skilled injector: the outcomes of the non-surgical nose job procedure depend largely on the skill and experience of the cosmetic injector. Therefore it is essential to choose the cosmetic practitioner or clinic after thorough research. To get the professional non-surgical nose job treatment from experienced cosmetic practitioners then visit

3.      It is possible to improve many nasal areas: the non-surgical rhinoplasty can improve many nose areas including nasal humps, bumps, crooked nose, flat nose bridge and drooping nose tip. It can also soften the appearance of nose making it more symmetrical to other facial features. However, there are certain limitations. It cannot reduce the size of the very large nose or fix a broken nose.

4.      Overall it costs more than surgical rhinoplasty: the average cost of surgical rhinoplasty is about $5,000 which is paid one time. While the patient is expected to pay as high as $2500 in a year for the minimally invasive rhinoplasty treatment to maintain the results. This price further increases when a relatively longer-lasting dermal filler is used for the procedure.

5.       Nearly Painless recovery: with a non-surgical nose job procedure, there is virtually no pain and downtime. The topical numbing or anaesthetic is used which numbs the injection areas reducing pain or discomfort. There can be mild bruising and swelling a few days but you can easily perform the routine activities without a problem. 

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Painless nose reshaping without cuts!

Rhinoplasty is the most desired cosmetic procedure. It is quite popular among patients interested in getting aesthetic alterations in their nose shape and size. But many of them are concerned about complications and the long recovery time that are the part of this package along with the risk of irreversible unfavorable surgical results.

To the alternative of the above-mentioned problems, non-surgical nose job London is a safe and non-invasive option against the traditional rhinoplasty. This procedure involves dermal filler injections to reshape the nose and alter minor flaws. It is an excellent, affordable option for people who want to stay away from cuts and bleeding and want to reshape their nose without opting for surgery.

  There are so many pros to opting this procedure; there is no prolonged recovery time, no general anaesthesia and the results are visible instantly. However, since this procedure is not capable to dissolve all sorts of nasal flaws, it is important that a diagnosis is conducted to ensure the possibility of achieving the desired results.

Who is suitable for non-surgical rhinoplasty?

Patients who have slightly hooked nose can be straightened. Small noses that need building up can also be increased in Sze. Hook shaped nose can be mended by making it proportionate to the face. Mild to moderate bump on the bridge of the nose and drooping of the nasal tip can be refined after surgical rhinoplasty. Height of the nose can also be increased to make it more defined.

Which type of dermal filler is used?

The most common dermal fillers used are Hyaluronic acid and Radiesse. Hyaluronic is a very versatile substance that naturally occurs in the human body. It has the capability to store water more than its size which helps its function to provide volume. The effect of this type of dermal filler is also reversible.

Whereas, Radiesse is an injectable filler that is composed of synthetically produced calcium hydroxyapatite. This is injected into the skin to provide volume and definition that helps to improve the structure of the nose by stimulating the production of collagen.

The results of this procedure is clinically proven to last almost a year and more in some cases.

What is the procedure of non-surgical nose job?

Dermal filler is injected in the precise location to create contours by adjusting the substance to form a more defined shape. The results are immediate giving you contoured and symmetrical nose in just few minutes. 

Monday, November 12, 2018

Do Botox works in combination with other injectable treatments?

Botox is a wonderful treatment that is scientifically proven for the treatment of facial lines and wrinkles. It helps to remove the tell-tale signs of ageing in the different facial areas primarily those in the upper facial region. One of the major benefits of having botox London treatment is that it is super quick and has minimal downtime. It means that you can have the botox injections during your lunchtime without anyone knowing about it!

However, for some people, it may be better to have other facial rejuvenation treatments in combination with botox for better results. People are often sceptical about which cosmetic treatments can be taken along with Botox during the same time. To help you decide which treatments work perfectly with botox, here are some of the common aesthetic treatments which work together quite well with Botox.

Botox with dermal filler injections

Botox is a muscle ‘relaxer’ while dermal fillers ‘ fill’ to give volume. Botox injections help to erase the lines, wrinkles and creases while dermal fillers help to replace the lost facial volume. Both treatments can be taken together and give striking facial rejuvenation results in combination.

Botox with chemical skin peel treatment

Botox and chemical skin peel treatment can be taken on the same day but the possibility varies from individual to individual. Generally, there is no problem in taking mild or light chemical peels with Botox treatment however if you want to take heavy or deep chemical skin peel treatment then it is better to give a gap of few days after taking Botox treatment. The chemical peel improves the texture and pigmentation while botox helps to improve your dynamic lines and wrinkles.

Botox with Cool Sculpting

Cool Sculpting treatment aims to reduce the excess body fat by freezing it. It is generally used for treating arms, abdomen and neck areas so you can easily take it along with Botox as both targets completely different body areas.

Botox with Laser Treatment

Laser treatments are effective for treating different facial concerns such as pigmentation, acne scars, unwanted facial hair etc. Whichever laser treatment you decide to take along with Botox, give a gap of at least 1 week between both the treatments. This will help you to avoid the overlapping effects of both if you are taking both treatments for the similar facial areas. However, if the treatments are aimed at different body areas then you can take both in a single appointment from your cosmetic practitioner.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Refresh your looks with nonsurgical aesthetic treatments

Are you expecting a special occasion or event in the near future? Do you want to look your best, fresh and beaming with confidence? Then get these most popular non-surgical aesthetic treatments to face the world with younger, fresher and enhanced looks.

·         Botox treatment: If you have been facing the issue of facial lines and wrinkles which are showing your age then you need Botox treatment. It is a quick fix for your pesky lines and wrinkles which are taking away your younger looks. Botox is a neurotoxin that is known for its anti-ageing effects. It works by paralyzing the activity of the muscles in the forehead, between the brows and around your eyes corner where the lines and creases are most prominent.

Botox injections have few side effects when done by trained and experienced hands which include mild swelling, bruising and redness. These conditions do not prevail and disappear in a few days leaving behind the smooth and wrinkle-free skin. The effects of treatment last for about 3-4 months.

·         Dermal fillers treatment: This amazing treatment has become increasingly popular after the botox. Dermal fillers have varied uses in aesthetic enhancements. These can be used to replace the volume loss in cheeks, give your lips sensual and plump appearance and enhance your nose shape. Along with lines and wrinkles, ageing face displays loss of volume. Hyaluronic acid based fillers give volume and moisture to the facial areas.

The nose filler London is also used for a non-surgical nose job to remove the minor imperfections in your nose shape if you feel dissatisfied with its shape. The effects of hyaluronic acid fillers last for almost 6-12 months and the commonly observed side effects are slight swelling, bruising and redness which goes away in a day or two.

·         Chemical skin peels: everyone desires to have smooth skin and even complexion. A chemical skin peel treatment can effectively give you smooth and lustrous skin by removing dead skin cells. The skin which reveals is fresh, smoother, clearer and with fewer lines and blemishes than the old skin. There is a variety of skin peel treatments available and the side effects vary with the intensity of the peel. The mild facial skin peel treatment causes the skin peeling, redness and slight irritation.

Getting these aesthetic treatments before your special event will give you younger and gorgeous looks even without makeup!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

How to make the effects of Botox last longer?

With the popularity of botox treatment on the rise, most of the people believe that the effects of Botox injections last for just up to 12 weeks. This is true to some extent however there are ways in which you can extend the effects of Botox injections treatment to enjoy your youthful looks for longer.

·         Get the treatment from the trained and experienced aesthetic doctor: the success of the botox procedure largely depends on the skill of the aesthetic practitioner, its proper placement, suitable injected dosage and effective schedule for treatment. That may come at a higher botox price London but it will be worth your investment. If you do not be cautious about these factors, the results of treatment may fade away quickly.

·         Avoid direct sun exposure: Direct exposure of skin to the sunlight is one of the main causes of ageing and it does affect your skin even if you have the botox treatment. To protect the results of your treatment, always apply a sunblock with SPF 30 or higher when you go outside. Reply if you stay outdoors for a longer duration.

·         Avoid making intense expressions: If you have a habit of making expressions too frequently such as frowning or squinting, stop doing that. While these expressions may be involuntary, you should voluntarily try to stop making them as they can result in reducing the duration of Botox treatment results.

·         Avoid scrubbing or rubbing your face: after you have the botox injections, your face needs some time to absorb it. Do not apply facial scrubs or rub your face which could result in spreading of the substance and affects its results.

·         Do not get botox treatments to close by the full results of Botox are not immediately visible. You do see some improvements in your wrinkles and lines instantly but the full results take some time to appear when the substance gets absorbed completely. If you feel dissatisfied with the results, wait for at least six weeks before you again receive the treatment. If you get the repeat Botox injections without giving enough time to the previous treatment, it could result in a negative impact on your muscles.

By following these helpful tips, you can extend the duration of botox treatment results and get good returns on your investment. 

Monday, October 8, 2018

5 ways to avoid bad lip fillers treatment

Lip fillers treatment of high standard quality done in a professional way can provide you with a strong sense of confidence regarding your appearance. Lip fillers giving a subtle, natural look to the lips by making them fuller are the best results of lip enhancements. But not everyone gets to enjoy that. There are a number of unqualified and cheap practitioners who are not good at their job and often leave their patients with bruised and swollen lips because they were unable to administer the injection in the correct way.

To avoid such a painful experience, one must go to a highly qualified and professional aesthetic practitioner or aesthetic clinic such as Harley street cosmetic clinic which has established a reputation. For this purpose, you should know how to filter the unprofessional injectors from the professional ones so you can choose the best one to give you the treatment.

Here are some tips that will help you with the filtering process and completely eliminate the chance to encounter a ‘cowboy injector’:

1.    Bravely ask about your practitioner’s qualifications

Since in UK everyone is legally allowed to administer an injection, it is important that the patients are cautious about the injectors without the right training. A practitioner with the right qualifications will proudly showing his accreditation on their office walls.

2.    Use the previous reviews and testimonials as guidelines

Previous clients’ experiences are a great way to determine the credibility of one’s aesthetic practice. If one’s work consists of high success rates and happy reviews then your chances of getting bad treatment falls very low.

3.    Go for a consultation session prior to the procedure

Initial consultation is very important. It allows your choice of practitioner to talk to you face to face and understand the kind of treatment you are looking for. You can also discuss your medical history with them.

4.    Enquire about the products that are to be used

It is very important that you know what is being injected into your body. Do your research into the best lip fillers so you can discuss what you want with your practitioner.

5.    Check their aftercare policy

Aftercare policies ensure that there are no issues and that you are happy with the results. Credible aesthetic practitioners offer it as patient care service and is a good indicator of checking their quality standard. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

Why should you not take cheap Botox treatment?

You might have seen the advertisements boosting to offer botox treatments at cheap rates. This may sound quite captivating, but remember that it can be a very dangerous path to walk on. It does feel tempting to achieve younger and fresh looks at only half the price of professional botox treatments available at expert botox clinics. But have you thought about what it can cost?

There are certain reasons why you should not opt for cheap botox which include the following:
·         You might get a fake botox product: most of us may not care to examine the product at the premises when we reach for treatment. So the chances are the cheap injectors are using fake or cheap versions of original products to save money. If you visit a professional cosmetic clinic for botox in London, you will find original product produced by Allergan.

·         You might not achieve significant improvements: if you get the treatment from untrained and non-certified people, you are likely to see little or no improvements following the treatment or may experience overdone results giving you completely unnatural appearance. It also involves risks of facial muscles paralysis.

·         They may be using the expired product: If you may choose to have cheap botox treatment, it is highly likely that the injector might use the expired or already opened product. Once the Botox vial is open, the contents inside begin to degrade rapidly which results in no or little effects from the treatment.

Getting the treatment from professional clinic or practitioner ensure that you are getting the right and fresh product injected at the right place in required quantities to get the required natural outcomes. Otherwise, you are wasting your money down the drain. Therefore, you should avoid being tempted by such cheap publicity